Month: February 2019

Blog 8

Lehrer’s main argument was that art and science in unison are essential to find the meaning of the unknown. I agree and believe that creative thinking and critical thinking are needed to solve the question everybody wants us to know.  A successful problem solver knows how to think in and outside the box and these skills can come from the sciences and arts. I believe that a true genius is a master of many different things. Leonardo Davinci is the prime example of a genius that paired both science and art together and he solved a lot that at the time was unknown. A prime example on how you need both to really figure out the bigger picture.


Reductionism: the explanation of complex life using physics and chemistry

Synapse: the junction between nerve cells where nerve pulses are given and recieved

Epiphenomenon: a secondary symptom of something happening


Blog 7

I feel as though that my annotations have  progressed over time. I have gotten better on catching the big ideas, but there is still room to improve like always.


Yo-Yo Ma is a Cellist and songwriter. He has won many Grammys and is overall a man of high prestige.  He published his essay in January 2014 to the  World Post.  Yo-Yo Ma is a graduate from Julliard school and Harvard. This essay is Ma’s new idea if the STEAM method versus STEM.

I agree with Yo-Yo Ma and I do believe that the arts are just as important as science in our technologically advanced society. Empathetic thinking can benefit you in many ways relating to creativity and how it can help you solve problems. I am reading this text to generate thought about this topic and use information from this article to develop a separate argument.

Yo-Yo Ma argues that empathetical and critical thinking should be used in our society and would benefit us if we were proficient in both. Today we use STEM which focuses on the more literal topics of our life and the arts aren’t necessarily  required. STEAM could be a better mix of different topics and would improve our thinking abilities.


Globalization: developing international influence

Humanist: an advocate for humans

Societal: relating to society



Blog 6

I relate to this exert because I used this idea to write my first draft. I wrote what I wanted to get across and did not spoof it up or make it any more advanced then it had to be. The additions to your paper will be made later along the revision process. To write a successful first draft you must let go of the weight of writing the paper and just go and write it. The revision process is there to further develop you paper into a finer craft.


Revision Strategies

First of all I am going to cut out the fluff. There were some parts in my essay that had nothing to do with the topic and examples like those will be cut out. Next I am going to find where I need to relate evidence to set up a new analysis. I will pull quotes from the texts to provide evidence for an argument that relates to my thesis. After that I am going to play around with the arrangement of my body paragraphs and see if one fits more in one place or not. Finally I am going to fix all sentence errors, cleaning up the essay so there is no distractions for the reader and my argument can be heard in its full affect. The final step will to be to conduct a title that fits around my essay.

Blog 5

When peer reviewing there are two major strategies that can be employed, global edits, and local edits. Global edits are more in depth, broader idea of peer reviewing whereas local edits are more specific tweaks in a paper.  When I was reviewing I got the impression that global edits can be more helpful but are definitely harder. Local editing is much simpler and easier to do. I fell as though I would want more global edits if somebody was reviewing my paper. Two brains focused on ideas is very efficient. My global edits seemed repetitive focused on finding good ideas in the reading. I tried to not worry about the local edits as much as the global edits even though my brain is geared towards them. Local edits are very easy but do not have the weight of global edits to me. It almost is like the brain is hardwired to find grammatical errors and sentence structure problems while reading. I found myself circling repeating words and noticing sentence structure a lot, but tried to refrain from paying too much attention to that. When writing an essay I think that more global edits should be done first after the first draft and local edits should be heavier one the final draft is done as a cleaning tool. 

Blog 4

Intro 1

Think about the last time you have used a metaphor. It is actually quite surprising how much a person uses metaphor in their daily life, and they don’t even notice. If you kept track of how many you used in a day it would be a larger number than you would expect. Metaphors are used to explain a plethora of information without boring the reader. One of the biggest strengths of metaphor is that you could explain something that your audience has no clue about in an effective matter, you can use metaphor to explain virtually anything. They help us connect to the reader on a deeper level and allow stronger connections to form. The English language would be a drag without them. The question being asked is how do metaphors affect your mental and physical wellness. Sticks and stones may break your bones, but words can hurt you, heal you, and change your perspective on things you may once have had a different opinion on.

Intro 2

Imagine communication in a world without metaphor. It would be a dry bitter place with a lack of information. It would require great detail to convey new information. Now think how important metaphor is when related to the medical world. How important is it for medical professionals to utilize metaphor with patients? Metaphor is essential because of the describing power that they carry. If a patient has no idea what is going on with them the perfect explanation would be a metaphor. They can connect the information the patient already has with new information so that it is easily extracted. This is directed towards both medical professionals, patients and authors alike. To understand the power of metaphor and what these phrases can do is essential for these individuals.


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