I relate to this exert because I used this idea to write my first draft. I wrote what I wanted to get across and did not spoof it up or make it any more advanced then it had to be. The additions to your paper will be made later along the revision process. To write a successful first draft you must let go of the weight of writing the paper and just go and write it. The revision process is there to further develop you paper into a finer craft.


Revision Strategies

First of all I am going to cut out the fluff. There were some parts in my essay that had nothing to do with the topic and examples like those will be cut out. Next I am going to find where I need to relate evidence to set up a new analysis. I will pull quotes from the texts to provide evidence for an argument that relates to my thesis. After that I am going to play around with the arrangement of my body paragraphs and see if one fits more in one place or not. Finally I am going to fix all sentence errors, cleaning up the essay so there is no distractions for the reader and my argument can be heard in its full affect. The final step will to be to conduct a title that fits around my essay.